Our Tools Suite

Beyond metadata and distribution, OpenPlay offers a suite of tools to help you manage your catalog and data.

Benefits of our Suite

Eliminate Costly, Outdated, and Often Insufficient Systems

OpenPlay provides everything you need to manage your entire catalog anywhere in the world. Stop creating workarounds using tools that were never meant to do what you need them to do.

No IT Required

Start using OpenPlay within your organization immediately without software installations, hardware to purchasing, and IT involvement. Our SaaS solution requires only an internet connection and a modern browser.

Empower Everyone

Access to your music library shouldn't just be limited to your metadata team. OpenPlay allows everyone in the organization to access metadata, assets, rights, playlists, metrics and much much more. Roles and permissions allows control over what can be seen, edited, and shared. The faster your teams can access the music, the faster your music can get into the hands of your radio, licensing, and business development partners.

Simplify Your Workflow

Releasing great music is challenging enough as it is without the added headache of managing metadata, covers, booklets, and music scattered across your organization. OpenPlay streamlines your new release workflow with a powerful, simple to use, and beautifully crafted user experience that helps reduce the time it takes to put it in the hands of your customers.

Acquire, Sell, and Transfer Your Catalogs with Ease

The music landscape is constantly changing and opportunities arise at a moment's notice. OpenPlay helps you stay aware of everything you own and be at the ready to deliver some or all of your catalog to potential buyers, sales agents, licensing partners, and distributors. Acquired a catalog? Ask us about our free ingest services to bring those assets directly into OpenPlay within 1-3 business days.

Engineered for a Major, Priced for an Indie

OpenPlay was designed and engineered from the ground up to meet the needs of a major labels, managing catalogs with millions of assets scaled across the entire globe. This incredible battle tested robustness is now available to labels of all sizes at a fraction of the price.

Increase Your Royalties and Performance Rights Revenue

Clean metadata leads to more revenue is an undisputed fact in the music industry. OpenPlay helps ensure your entire catalog is properly maintained by those who care the most about it (hint: you and your label). Use OpenPlay's powerful export and delivery capabilities to make sure every partner knows what you own and who to pay — available for enterprise only.

Connect with More Partners

Create and share custom playlists and distribute to hundreds of partners — available for enterprise only.